How to Dispute Credit Card Charges You Don’t Recognize

Disputing credit card charges you don’t recognize can be a daunting task, but it’s important to take action to protect your financial well-being. Here are some steps you can follow to dispute unfamiliar charges on your credit card:

1. Check your account activity regularly:

Keep an eye on your credit card statements and check for any suspicious or unfamiliar charges. It’s easier to dispute charges when they’re fresh, so make it a habit to review your account activity frequently.

2. Verify the charge with the merchant:

Sometimes, a charge may appear on your statement that you don’t recognize, but it’s actually a legitimate purchase made by someone else in your household or a subscription service you forgot about. Call the merchant and ask them to verify the charge. If it turns out to be a mistake, they can reverse the charge and issue a refund.

3. Gather evidence:

Keep any receipts, invoices, or other documents that support your dispute. This evidence will come in handy when you’re working with the credit card company to resolve the issue.

4. Contact your credit card issuer:

Reach out to your credit card issuer’s customer service department via phone, email, or through their mobile app. Let them know that you have unfamiliar charges on your statement and that you’d like to dispute them. They may request additional information or evidence from you to support your dispute.

5. Follow up in writing:

After speaking with a representative, follow up with a written letter or email detailing the disputed charges and any relevant evidence. This will ensure that your dispute is documented and processed properly.

6. Be patient:

Disputing credit card charges can take time, so be prepared to wait for a resolution. Keep an eye on your account activity and make sure the disputed charge is removed once it’s resolved.

Remember, staying vigilant with your credit card statements and taking swift action when needed can help protect you from fraudulent charges and financial loss.